11 Rules to Learn Code

  1. Trick your Brain with 20 min Rule: Our brain is not made to do hard work, you simply have to trick the brain by saying I am going to learn for only 20 minutes. As soon as you start learning the time flows for more than an hour.

  2. Code for purpose: If you learn for a learning purpose it only last till your motivation exists but when you code to create a project you love, you enjoy it, and gives you internal satisfaction.

  3. There is no "Perfect Language to Learn": There is not any perfect language you simply need to pick any language because the core fundamentals in all programming languages are the same. The only thing matter is what you are trying to learn.

  4. Understand what you are learning: You simply have to understand what you are learning. Some of us just Copy the whole tutorial and waste our time staring at the screen and following the tutor's code.

  5. It's ok not to know: It's ok to suffer from imposter syndrome. It's impossible to know everything out of your head. Many great programmers often use Google and StackOverflow for reference.

  6. Be a copycat: It's easy to learn when you have a project on your hand that you want. Not getting ideas?? Simply copy the bunch of applications out there like Notepad, Ms paint, To-do List, Dice game, etc

  7. Be Accountable: You should be accountable to someone for your work. It's often easy to quit or ignore when we are not facing any consequences. Try to find a mentor or any buddy online or offline when both of you can be accountable for each other's work.

  8. Keep Learning: The technologies keep changing. Everyone should be tempted to learn new things and improve their skills. If you know Front-End then go for Full-Stack, if you know web development go for mobile development even if you need to be a beginner in another language.

  9. Play Foosball: In movies, they often show programmers as fast-typing dudes trying to smash their keyboards but in the real world, it's never like that. It's 80% staring and 20% writing. You may get unconditional bugs on your code even if you feel everything is ok. Just ignore it and try to divert your mind play games just try to forget the problem you have unconditionally you might get a solution for it.

  10. Get a Mentor: It's often very fruitful to get guidance from someone who already knows what you are learning because they guide you through every step. You don't need to hire a personal instructor you simply have to follow someone from whom you can get inspiration.

  11. Get into the habit of chucking: You Simply have to DAC Divide And Conquer. Here your opponent is the bunch of code you need to write. What it means is you have to divide the chunk of code into a simple piece and conquer it.