Javascript Basic -01

Hey guys my name is Shivamani aka "Aayush" in this blog I am going to explain JavaScript where I will try to explain almost everything about JS concepts and language.

Let's start with javascript fundamental

What is JavaScript?

Ans: Javascript is a High-level, Object- Oriented, Multi paradigm programming language.

  • High-level: We don't have to worry about complex stuff such as memory management.
  • Object-Oriented: Based on an Object for storing Most kinds of Data.
  • Multi-Paradigm: We can use different style f programming.

The role of javascript in web development is it adds logical parts to the website.

How can we link the javascript file

Well, There are 2 ways you can write the JS code in HTML documents either you can directly write the code in an HTML file or link an external file. I personally prefer to link it externally because it reduces error, and complexity and makes code readable.
inside the body tag use script and source file.

for eg:

Screen Shot 2022-10-23 at 12.04.42 am.png

This much for this blog lets continue to another page for more learning