An Introduction to Typography.

In simple lame understanding, typography is the art of arranging things in a web browser to make them readable attractive, and beautiful.

If we want to go little dive into it Typography is the art of arranging text, font styles, font sizes, line spacing, and other design elements in a web browser to make it easily legible and readable to the viewer.

There are several things that we should consider like


  • Font size between 15px to 25px is recommended for the <p> tag to ensure readability.

  • Headlines and titles should use larger fonts to make them stand out, typically between 32px to 60px depending on your preference. However, if the headline is too large, you should decrease its font weight to avoid overwhelming the viewer.

  • Line spacing should be between 120% to 150% to make the content easily scannable and visually appealing.

  • Character per line between 45 to 90 characters is optimal and easy to read. However, this can vary based on the display size and resolution.

  • When choosing a font, there are no strict rules for what looks good, but you can consider selecting from one of the two primary font categories: serif or sans-serif.

    There are 5 types of fonts normally but there are 2 main fonts Serif and Sans-serif.


  • Traditional Purpose

  • Story Telling

  • Long Reading

  • Modern


  • Good looking

  • Clean

  • Simple

  • Modern


  • Use only one basic color for your design, unless you specifically need more colors.

  • If you do need multiple colors, use tools such as Adobe CC or Paletton to help you choose complementary colors that work well together.

  • Use your main color to draw attention to specific design elements, such as button or link colors.

  • Avoid using black as your main color, as it can appear harsh and unnatural in many designs. Instead, consider using a dark gray or another complementary color that works well with your overall design.


  • Consider putting text directly on top of the image, but make sure the image is slightly dark and the text is bright and legible.

  • Another option is to overlay the image with a color gradient to achieve stunning effects. You can use websites like to help you choose complementary colors.

  • When choosing colors, avoid just using black and white. Be sure to choose colors that are clearly distinct and complement your overall design.

  •  Put your text in a box

    Another solution is to blur the image, either by blurring the whole image or just the part where you plan to put the text. This can help make the text stand out more and be easier to read. Just be careful not to blur the image too much, as it may become difficult to recognize the image or lose its intended visual impact.


  • Use icons to show or list steps or features.

  • Icons can also be used for actions, like on YouTube. However, ensure that the icons are recognizable and familiar to the user.

  • Icons should not take center stage; they should only be used to support the content.

  • Use icon fonts instead of icon images. This helps improve page speed and reduces the number of HTTP requests needed to load the page.

Spacing and Layout

  • What is white space? It's a space where there is no text, images, or other elements.

  • Use white space between elements, sections, and groups of elements.

  • Don't use too much white space, use it accordingly to maintain a balance.

  • Define hierarchy by giving white space accordingly to the body of content.

    • Define where your audience should look first.

    • Establish a flow that corresponds to your content.

    • Use white space to build the flow.



  • Aim to create a website that satisfies both user goals and business goals.

  • Focus on providing a positive user experience.

Getting Inspired:

  • Don't be afraid to draw inspiration from others, but put your own spin on it.

  • As Austin Kleon said, "Steal like an artist."

  • Conclusion

    In conclusion, typography plays a crucial role in web design. Choosing the right font size, line spacing, and character per line can make the content readable and attractive. It's essential to choose a good-looking font that suits your website's purpose and conveys the right message. The use of color can also be effective in directing attention and creating stunning visual effects. Icons should be used supportively and not overpower the design and white space should be used effectively to create hierarchy and flow. Ultimately, the design should prioritize fulfilling the user's experience and goals while also meeting the business's objectives. In the end, being inspired by other designs and adapting them to fit your needs is a crucial part of the design process.